About Syafikah Efa

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So far Syafikah Efa has created 46 blog entries.

The battlespace has evolved. The objectives remain the same but tactics have changed.

The battlespace has evolved. The objectives remain the same but tactics have changed. "The Cognitive Game" explores how critical corporate supply chains are impacted by cognitive attacks. These attacks play out in the digital and physical worlds, on the surface they may seem like cyber attacks or attacks in the media by activists but they go deeper than initially imagined. We will look at what it means for countries and corporations to fight a conflict in the collective minds of constituent populations. The convergence of human knowledge has come down to how leaders will marshal their resources, but what are the strategic resources in cognitive warfare? What are your core strategic interests and what are the gaps in your defenses? Check out the opening gambit of the game here: https://youtu.be/gW-ZS2iGkmc

The battlespace has evolved. The objectives remain the same but tactics have changed.2022-04-11T16:19:34+08:00

What businesses need to know about foresight in Malaysia

The current floods that have impacted various parts of the country have given rise to an extensive commentary on the response cycles of various stakeholders.  It has in turn led to continued crisis communications and statements in the media by agencies and ministries alike.  This binary approach to the discussion has also created a perceived “us and them” situation when in a crisis of this nature there should only be “we”. Instead of being anxious about the ongoing commentary and flood of social media comments, the government should now take the opportunity to actively listen and embrace the process. This is free business intelligence, especially if the business model is keeping people happy and safe.  Don’t let the critical data go the way of the floodwaters – simply flowing into the oceans or seeping back into the soil. The challenge will be organising the information into a meaningful framework. For [...]

What businesses need to know about foresight in Malaysia2022-04-11T12:53:25+08:00

Drones and Smart Cities – A response to COVID-19

To drone or not to drone, is no longer a question.  The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the need to remove the human touch from the delivery of many goods and services.  How will we humanise this experience in the coming years and strike a balance between the buzz of drones and the friendly smile of a delivery person?  According to the latest data from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 55 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban areas. This is expected to increase to 68 per cent by 2050.  It’s clear that cities will need to be smarter and drones will play an increasingly leading role. A city can only be as smart as the people who live there, which means we are looking at an education problem. Putting that aside, cities vying to be considered “smart” need to be the [...]

Drones and Smart Cities – A response to COVID-192022-02-05T23:01:06+08:00

A Retreat to Nasi Lemak

“A retreat to Nasi Lemak” is defined as an economic phenomenon which see someone lose their job and in response “retreats” to making nasi lemak in the interim, as a way to generate income.  Another aspect in this phenomenon, sees another individual lose their job and instead of dining out at a restaurant near the office picks up cheaper nasi lemak near the house.  The velocity of money still continues just a lower level and within the cultural tapestry that is nasi lemak. This snapshot of the grey economy keeps many people from falling below the poverty line, but it is hard to measure its full contribution to gross domestic product (GDP).  Of late there have been too many stories of highly skilled professionals in this position; while heart-warming it is not the best return on investment for those trained to operate in the global knowledge economy.  And from the [...]

A Retreat to Nasi Lemak2021-06-16T15:21:57+08:00

The State of Investment

  The business community needs to look at the fact that with increased risk, investors will simply look to have increased rewards, and to focus on those opportunities that deliver these results for investors, this will yield the best results for investment promotion. The question is can productivity reach above and beyond the levels of risk presented by the current situation? The model foreign investor brings jobs, increase exports and much needed tax revenues, contributes to society, and transfers technology and expertise. Before all of this happens, those companies with global supply chains and international market share are able to spend considerable resources on due diligence and market intelligence. This process enables investment committees to see through the first layer of information available in the media.  The question is: what are they finding beyond the media hype? Do current investment opportunities pass the cost benefit analysis required to press the [...]

The State of Investment2021-02-11T16:57:14+08:00
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